Wednesday 29 June 2016

"What's becoming very obvious to me is that fashion is art."
                                                                              ---- Lupita Nyong'o

Friday 3 June 2016

Smartphones are evolving at the rate that is beyond belief, coming out in the form of curved displays and self-healing capabilities, changing the way we make payments and diagnose illness. There are now more than 1 billion smartphone users in the world and the numbers are still rising. Smartphones have improved our lives with a variety of applications, for use in fitness and health, in keeping us connected, and giving us access to the latest news and information available online. However smartphone has taken our lives so much that we cannot put it down long enough to appreciate the world around us anymore.
It puts us in an instant gratification mode. If there is an alert, or a notification, it is the first thing we tend to, then on to the next social network feed, the next email, the next tweet and so on .... We have our eyes stuck on to the screen, our heads crouched down while traveling through the bus, in class, at work, and even during meals. It distracts humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation.
I just wanna say,
Life is to live not to survive so as phoned are to be used by us and not that we should be used by phones.
Be connected by hearts and not just by gadgets.